1720 Board – OBD1 Honda ECU VTEC conversion kits Installation

First desolder all the spots on the ECU marked, IC14, Q26, C60, R67, RM11, D11, J10.  They may be hard to find, but they are there.

Q30 is only need for P05 ECUs but is included with every kit.  This transistor adds the ability for the ECU to control a 4 wire O2 sensor if needed.

In spot IC14, solder in this part.

In spot Q26/Q30.

In spot C60.

This transistor is directional, install like other transistors on the ECU circuit board.

Note the + and – symbol, these are polarized.  Install them correctly.

In spot R67.

In spot D11

In spot J10,

820 ohm resistor, Gray, Red, Maroon, Gold are the stripes on this

Pay attention to the direction of the diode. If you need help look at the other diodes on the board.

Use a leftover piece of a resistor or from the diode legs to jumper this spot.

In spot RM11,
This is tricky…follow carefully. (Holes are figured left to right, ECU plugs are on the left)
From pin 1 to 2...10k ohm (Gold, orange, black, brown)
From pin 2 to 3...51K ohm (Gold, orange, maroon, green)
From pin 3 to 8...12K ohm (Gold, orange, red brown)
If the ECU was an auto ECU to start, RM11 will already be there and you do NOT need to use this set of resistors.


Please check out the original instructions on the PGMFI Wiki for further help if needed.

Also, after you get your car up and running, please post your tuned BIN file and share with the community in my BIN file depository.  You may also find a good map to start your tuning with posted there.  You can log on at:


If you have any questions, please email me.

Chris Harris