Demon Board Install


Your Demon Board Kit should include:
  • 2 strips of pins, each with 14 pins
  • A Dip/Zif combo
  • A 4 Pin cable to connect the board to the ECU VIA datalogger Port
  • USB 2.0 Mini-B to Std-B Bulkhead/Bracket/Kit
  • Ferrite Bead  for 4.5mm USB Cable
  • CN2 Latching Header
  • USDM Chip Kit
  • White Spacer
  • Demon Board


Chip Your ECU as you normally would using the USDM supplied Chip Kit.
  *If your ECU was previously chipped for Hondata S300, take the Dual Wipe Socket included, and press that into the bottom side of the Demon Board.  Then carefully press the Demon Board onto the Male pins in the ECU.
Take the 2 Rows of Male/Male Pins and Gently press them into the underside of the Demon Board.
Now take the white space and screw it in so that the long part is on the top-side of the Demon Board and the screw is on the otherside.

Gently and carefully line the pins up on with the Dip Socket in the ECU.

Now Attach the Datalog Cable to the Demon Board and to the ECU.

Now take the Provided USB 2.0 Mini-B to Std-B Bulkhead and plug that into the Demon Board
 (Zip Tie it like pictured for extra security)


Now, If you are installing the Demon Board into a OBD1 USDM P72 with a Daughter Board, you will have to shave down some of the plastic on the USB 2.0 Mini-B to Std-B Bulkhead. On the end that connects to the Demon Board, shave some of the plastic off as such:
You are going to have to bend some of the components down gently on the daughter board for it to fit comfortably.
If you are installing the Demon Board into a JDM ECU you will also have to bend down some of the components CAREFULLY and GENTLY by the chipping portion of the board.


The White Spacer will hit on the components on the daughter board in the ECU


Trim the spacer carefully and refit until everything fits comfortably and does not cause unnecessary pressure.

Now put 2 screws in the ECU before you put the cover on and drape the USB cable out and assemble the Covers.